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rafaribe's Homelab

Welcome to my humble homelab.

This git repo is a place where I can experiment with new technologies and ideas. It's stored in a declarative yaml format, it's also the source of truth to my kubernetes clusters along with other homelab resources.

This repo utilizes infrastructure as code practices and GitOps to declare the infrastructure present in my home.

This allows for a interesting workflow:

  • Version control any changes allowing for easy refactors, rollbacks and tinkering.
  • Easy disaster recovery as everything except persistent data is present in this repo.
  • Try out interesting technologies and have that tracked on version control, allowing me to revisit them later even after deletion.

Tech Stack

Logo Name Description
“ansible”/ Ansible Automation tool for configuration management and deployment.
proxmox Proxmox Virtualization management platform for multiple VMs and containers.
proxmox Unifi OS Network management and monitoring software for Ubiquiti devices.
terraform Terraform Infrastructure as code tool used to automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure resources.
kubernetes Kubernetes Container orchestration platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. T
helm Helm The package manager for Kubernetes
nginx NGINX Nginx-based Kubernetes Ingress controller used to manage external access to Kubernetes cluster services.
flux Flux GitOps continuous delivery tool used to automate application deployments to Kubernetes clusters by managing changes in a Git repository.
certmanager Cert Manager Kubernetes add-on that automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates from Cloudflare.
cloudflare Cloudflare DNS Provider
prometheus Prometheus Monitoring and alerting system used to collect and analyze metrics from various sources in a distributed environment.
loki Loki Log aggregation backend
loki Thanos Metrics efficent backend using S3-storage for Prometheus
loki Grafana Dashboard platform
loki Doppler External Secrets Provider
loki Cilium CNI with eBPF-based networking, observability and security

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